COs | Database Management Systems (PCC-CSE-201G) |
PCC-CSE-201G.1 | List the DDL, DML commands, Database servers, storage strategies, security methods and components of database. |
PCC-CSE-201G.2 | Understand the fundamental concepts of DBMS such as Query languages, transaction processing, type of databases etc. |
PCC-CSE-201G.3 | Apply the knowledge of DBMS to solve real life situtations/problems & architecture. |
PCC-CSE-201G.4 | Analyze the characteristics of normal forms, concurrency control schemes, various data models and their architecture schemes. |
COs | Data Structures & Algorithms (PCC-CSE-203G) |
PCC-CSE-203G.1 | Define the various technical terms used in data structure. |
PCC-CSE-203G.2 | Understand the various data structures, searching and sorting techniques. |
PCC-CSE-203G.3 | Apply the knowledge of data structure and algorithms to solve the complex engineering problems. |
PCC-CSE-203G.4 | Analyze the algorithms and complexity of various data structures and techniques. |
COs | Digital Electronics (PCC-CSE-205G) |
PCC-CSE-205G.1 | Recall basic concepts of logic gates, Boolean algebra, and number systems. |
PCC-CSE-205G.2 | Understand the various digital codes and characteristics of memory. |
PCC-CSE-205G.3 | Applying the various methods to solve the logical expression like K-map, Quine Mcluskey method, etc. |
PCC-CSE-205G.4 | Classify various combinational, sequential logic circuits & Convertors. |
COs | Python Programming (PCC-CSE-207G) |
PCC-CSE-207G.1 | Define the basic terms like strings, lists, sets etc. |
PCC-CSE-207G.2 | Describe the fundamental concepts of python language such as scripts, exceptional handling, oop’s etc. |
PCC-CSE-207G.3 | Apply the knowledge of oop’s, functions, operators, control statements for the solution of computational problems. |
PCC-CSE-207G.4 | Analyze the design and structure of various programs, control statements, slicing string and operator overloading. |
COs | Mathematics – III (Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations) (BSC-MATH-203G) |
BSC-MATH-203G.1 | Recall the basics of differential calculus and integral calculus. |
BSC-MATH-203G.2 | Explain the various methods of differential calculus and integral calculus. |
BSC-MATH-203G.3 | Apply various mathematical tools to calculate the multiple integrals which deal with areas and volumes of various structures and differential equations to simple, oscillatory electric circuits, Newton’s Law of cooling and Orthogonal trajectories etc. |
BSC-MATH-203G.4 | Solve the problems for partial derivatives involving maxima, minima, saddle points etc. which deal with functions of several variables , double and triple integrals , linear differential equations of first, second and higher orders in ordinary differential equations. |
COs | Economics For Engineers (HSMC-01G) |
HSMC-01G.1 | Define various concepts of micro economics related to the production units. |
HSMC-01G.2 | Understand various aspects of economics which can affect the engineering profession in terms of demand and decision making related to it. |
HSMC-01G.3 | Choose best engineering practice by cost consideration and profit estimation. |
HSMC-01G.4 | Examine the economic environment and effects of government policies on the Indian economy which can be related to engineering services. |
COs | Database Management Systems Lab (LC-CSE-209G) |
LC-CSE-209G.1 | Explain the PL/SQL Block and Procedures. |
LC-CSE-209G.2 | Write the SQL Queries, PL/SQL Block to satisfy some conditions and exception. |
LC-CSE-209G.3 | Identify the relationship between the Database. |
LC-CSE-209G.4 | Create Views, Synonyms, Sequence, Indexes, Savepoint, Employee Database, Procedures, Database Triggers and functions. |
COs | Digital Electronics Lab (LC-CSE-211G) |
LC-CSE-211G.1 | Define all Logic Gates with Truth-Table, ADC and DAC. |
LC-CSE-211G.2 | Understand the various Combinational and Sequential Circuits. |
LC-CSE-211G.3 | Apply the K-MAP method to solve the Boolean Expression. |
LC-CSE-211G.4 | Analyze the operation and working of Flip-Flops, Registers & Counters by their Truth-Table. |
COs | Data Structures & Algorithms Lab using C (LC-CSE-213G) |
LC-CSE-213G.1 | Write the menu driven program that implements various operations. |
LC-CSE-213G.2 | Demonstrate the implementation of various operations on stack, queue using linear array and linked list. |
LC-CSE-213G.3 | Illustate the traversal of graph and tree using various search techniques. |
LC-CSE-213G.4 | Select the appropriate sorting technique to sort an array of integers. |
COs | Python Programming Lab (LC-CSE-215G) |
LC-CSE-215G.1 | Determine GCD of two numbers, power of a number, square roots of a number, list of numbers and most frequent words in text. |
LC-CSE-215G.2 | Simulate Elliptical orbits and bouncing using pygame. |
LC-CSE-215G.3 | Program to compare the result of Linear Search, binary search, insert, selection and merge sort. |
LC-CSE-215G.4 | Evaluate the first n prime numbers and multiplication of matrices. |
Semester: 4 | |
COs | Discrete Mathematics (PCC-CSE-202G) |
PCC-CSE-202G.1 | Define the basic terms used in discrete mathematics and structures. |
PCC-CSE-202G.2 | Understand the fundamental techniques, laws, logics, relations, graphs and trees. |
PCC-CSE-202G.3 | Solve mathematical problems based on the concepts of set theory, relations, functions and basic counting techniques. |
PCC-CSE-202G.4 | Classify lattices, algorithms, functions, algebric structures, graphs and trees, etc. |
COs | Computer Organization & Architecture (PCC-CSE-204G) |
PCC-CSE-204G.1 | Define the basic structure of computers, operations and instructions. |
PCC-CSE-204G.2 | Understand pipelined & non pipelined CPU architecture, memory organisation and input output techniques. |
PCC-CSE-204G.3 | Apply various number system conversion, micro operations, concurrent access to memory, memory mapping and interrupts in computer system. |
PCC-CSE-204G.4 | Classify different data representation, micro-operation, computer organization,pipelining and input-output organization. |
COs | Operating System (PCC-CSE-206G) |
PCC-CSE-206G.1 | Define various types of Operating System and their related functions. |
PCC-CSE-206G.2 | Explain the concepts of process management, CPU scheduling algorithms, process synchronization, Deadlock security and protection management in Operating System. |
PCC-CSE-206G.3 | Apply various algorithms of scheduling, memory management and deadlock. |
PCC-CSE-206G.4 | Analyze various algorithms and verify operating system performance based on speed , time and input output. |
COs | Object Oriented Programming (PCC-CSE-208G) |
PCC-CSE-208G.1 | Recall the procedural and object oriented paradigm along with object oriented concepts, exception handling, templates and generic programming. |
PCC-CSE-208G.2 | Understand object oriented appproach using inheritance, dynamic memory management, polymophism, overloading, virtual function,constructor,destructor etc. |
PCC-CSE-208G.3 | Apply the concept of class, objects ,inheritance, pointers, constructors, destructors, operator overloading, type conversion and exception handling. |
PCC-CSE-208G.4 | Classify classes, class members, constructor, inheritance, type conversion, polymorphism and templates. |
COs | Organizational Behaviour (HSMC-02G) |
HSMC-02G.1 | Define the management process with the scope and importance of management. |
HSMC-02G.2 | Understand all aspects of Organizational Behavior contended to various communication channels. |
HSMC-02G.3 | Demonstrate the phenomenon of learning, leadership and motivation. |
HSMC-02G.4 | Analyze the framework of all organizational structures and management conflicts intending to the various organizational changes. |
COs | Environmental Sciences (MC-106G) |
MC-106G.1 | Describe the basic terms related to environment and its sustainable development. |
MC-106G.2 | Understand the fundamental concepts, issues related to environment and environment pollution. |
MC-106G.3 | Spread awareness about the environment around us, sustainable development and conduct outreach activities. |
MC-106G.4 | Identify the relationship between natural and man made systems |
COs | Web Technologies (PCC-CSE-210G) |
PCC-CSE-210G.1 | Define the basic terms of Web Technologies. |
PCC-CSE-210G.2 | Understand the fundamentals of Internet, Protocols,HTML,CSS,XML and PHP. |
PCC-CSE-210G.3 | Apply different types of Protocols,HTML,CSS, XML,PHP, AJAX for the website designing and development. |
PCC-CSE-210G.4 | Classify Web Browser, Protocols, HTML Tags,CSS, XML Tree, PHP Functions. |
COs | Operating System Lab (LC-CSE-212G) |
LC-CSE-212G.1 | Describe the basics of UNIX file system, processes, shell scripting, VI editors and communication. |
LC-CSE-212G.2 | Write the shell scripts for various problems. |
LC-CSE-212G.3 | Apply different commands in UNIX for real life problems. |
LC-CSE-212G.4 | Analyze the decision and iterative statements. |
COs | Object Oriented Programming Lab using C++ (LC-CSE-214G) |
LC-CSE-214G.1 | Explain characteristics of object-oriented programming language in a program. |
LC-CSE-214G.2 | Use the basic object-oriented design principles in computer problem solving such as inheritance, operator overloding, memory management etc |
LC-CSE-214G.3 | Apply advanced features of the C++ programming language such as templates and generic programming. |
LC-CSE-216G.4 | Design and develop a stand alone application using C++. |
COs | Web Technologies Lab (LC-CSE-216G) |
LC-CSE-216G.1 | Explain the Concept of HTML, CSS,XML and PHP. |
LC-CSE-216G.2 | Write the HTML code for making a simple Webpage,Frames and Registration Forms with PHP, CSS and XML. |
LC-CSE-216G.3 | Identify the relationship between HTML,CSS,XML and PHP. |
LC-CSE-216G.4 | Select sustainable web development and design methodology for the given assignment. |
Semester: 5 | |
COs | Microprocessor (ESC-CSE-301G) |
ESC-CSE-301G.1 | Describe architecture of various Microprocessors |
ESC-CSE-301G.2 | Understand concepts of virtual memory, cache memory and Instruction set of various microprocessors. |
ESC-CSE-301G.3 | Demonstrate enhanced features of various microprocessors. |
ESC-CSE-301G.4 | Differentiate between working of various Microprocessors designs. |
ESC-CSE-301G.5 | Design interfacing circuits of peripheral devices with various microprocessors. |
COs | Computer Networks (PCC-CSE-303G) |
PCC-CSE-303G.1 | List various components, models, layers, connecting devices, routing algorithms, network standards and security fundamentals. |
PCC-CSE-303G.2 | Describe the functions of network models, devices, algorithms, standards and different layers in networking. |
PCC-CSE-303G.3 | Apply the knowledge of protocols, algorithms and hardware to solve the problems related to the network. |
PCC-CSE-303G.4 | Analyse the algorithms, protocols and layers in relation to their functions. |
COs | Formal Languages and Automata (PCC-CSE-305G) |
PCC-CSE-305G.1 | Define the basic terms of FLA. |
PCC-CSE-305G.2 | Understand the fundamentals of Finite Automata, Regular Expressions, Grammar, Languages, PDA and Machines. |
PCC-CSE-305G.3 | Apply Normal Forms Techniques, PDA, Turing Machine to solve various problems. |
PCC-CSE-305G.4 | Classify Finite Automata, PDA, Machines, Languages and Grammar. |
COs | Design & Analysis of Algorithms (PCC-CSE-307G) |
PCC-CSE-307G.1 | Define the basic terms of Design and Analysis of Algorithms. |
PCC-CSE-307G.2 | Understand the concept of Algorithms, Data structures, Divide and Conquer approach, Greedy and Dynamic approach, Backtracking, Branch and Bound and NP Problems. |
PCC-CSE-307G.3 | Apply different operations on Set, various Searching and Sorting algorithms, different strategies on Spanning Trees, Backtracking, Branch and Bound and NP Scheduling Problems to find the least cost cyclic routes. |
PCC-CSE-307G.4 | Classify Complexity, Set, Searching and Sorting, Spanning Tree and NP Scheduling Problems. |
COs | Programming in Java (PCC-CSE-309G) |
PCC-CSE-309G.1 | Describe the various concepts like OOP’s,Interface,thread,AWT,collection and reflection in java. |
PCC-CSE-309G.2 | Understand the fundamentals concepts of java such as JVM,JAR,”This” keyword,runtime polymorphism,applets,swing,packages etc. |
PCC-CSE-309G.3 | Solve different real life problems by applying the java tools and features. |
PCC-CSE-309G.4 | Analyze the design & structure of data types, code reusability, thread synchronization,window events, common algo in collection,JDBC operations and executing procedures functions. |
COs | Software Engineering (PEC-CSE-311G) |
PEC-CSE-311G.1 | Define the terms used in software engineering. |
PEC-CSE-311G.2 | Understand the current theories/design/models and testing techniques,reliability and standards |
PEC-CSE-311G.3 | Demonstrate the techniques and tools necessaryfor solution of engineering problem. |
PEC-CSE-311G.4 | Analyze the requirements,simulation architecture of design and complexity,cost,impact of software defects,reliability etc. |
COs | Microprocessor Lab (LC-ESC-321G) |
LC-ESC-321G.1 | Interpret the instruction set for developing the programmes. |
LC-ESC-321G.2 | Apply various interfacing peripheral chips with microprocessors |
LC-ESC-321G.3 | Analyze and compare the programme output carried out by different microprocessors. |
LC-ESC-321G.4 | Justify the program implementation on 8085 & 8086 microprocessors |
COs | Computer Networks Lab (LC-CSE-323G) |
LC-CSE-323G.1 | Describe different networking devices, cables, basic networking/ CISCO IOS show commands and IP addressing. |
LC-CSE-323G.2 | Perform initial router, switch configuration, connection, configuration and troubleshooting a switched network, IP addressing. |
LC-CSE-323G.3 | Apply the knowledge of computer Networks to create a network to implement protocols like EIGRP and ARP etc. |
LC-CSE-323G.4 | Examine Ping, Traceroute output and Network Address Translator. |
COs | Design & Analysis of Algorithms using C++ (LC-CSE-325G) |
LC-CSE-325G.1 | Determine the time required to search and sort the elements using various searching and sorting techniques. |
LC-CSE-325G.2 | Solve the various problems using greedy and dynamic programming algorithms. |
LC-CSE-325G.3 | Analyze the shortest path and minimum cost spanning tree using various algorithms. |
LC-CSE-325G.4 | Justify the connection of the given graph using DFS method. |
COs | Programming in Java Lab (LC-CSE-327G) |
LC-CSE-327G.1 | Apply OOP’s principle and data structure concepts for solving problems. |
LC-CSE-327G.2 | Identify the relationship between Multithreading Producer and Consumer. |
LC-CSE-327G.3 | Create Servlet, Java Bean and Exception using Java Programming. |
LC-CSE-327G.4 | Develop the GUI Applications by importing Applet and Swings packages. |
COs | Practical Training-1 (PT-CSE-329G) |
PT-CSE-329G.1 | Describe the working environment of industries for Comuter professionals. |
PT-CSE-329G.2 | Understand the importance, roles and responsibilities of the computer science and engineering department. |
PT-CSE-329G.3 | Applying engineering knowledge to solve industrial problems. |
PT-CSE-329G.4 | Analyze ethical practices, tools and equipments used in industries for different situations. |
Semester: 6 | |
COs | Compiler Design (PCC-CSE-302G) |
PCC-CSE-302G.1 | Describe the basic concepts of compiler design and different phases of compilation process. |
PCC-CSE-302G.2 | Understand the concept of Language Processors,parsers and Code Optimization. |
PCC-CSE-302G.3 | Apply various parsing techniques to check whether the given grammar belongs to a particular parser. |
PCC-CSE-302G.4 | Analyze different techniques of code optimization and code generation. |
COs | Artificial Intelligence (PCC-CSE-304G) |
PCC-CSE-304G.1 | Define the basic terms of artificial intelligence. |
PCC-CSE-304G.2 | Understand the role of alpha-beta pruning, knowledge represesntation, various type of learning, partial order planning. |
PCC-CSE-304G.3 | Apply basics principles of artificial intelligence to solve the real life problems. |
PCC-CSE-304G.4 | Analyze various applications of AI techniques in expert system, rule based system, bayesian reasoning and optimization. |
COs | Advanced Java (PCC-CSE-306G) |
PCC-CSE-306G.1 | Describe the basic concepts like Servlet, JSP, Struts, Mail API, Hibernate, Spring, Android and design pattern. |
PCC-CSE-306G.2 | Understand hibernate with IDE, spring with IDE,stuts2withI18N, servlet with IDE, scripting elements, android widgets, J2EE patterns. |
PCC-CSE-306G.3 | Apply basics principles of advanced java to make web based, stand alone and android applications. |
PCC-CSE-306G.4 | Analyze various applications of advanced java like eclipse, My eclipse, Net beans,MVC in JSP,UI tags,spring with angular,android fragments,J2EE patterns. |
COs | Mobile and Wireless Communication (ESC-CSE-308G) |
ESC-CSE-308G.1 | Define the programming concepts of 8086 and 8051. |
ESC-CSE-308G.2 | Interpret the 8086 and 8051 instruction set for developing the program |
ESC-CSE-308G.3 | Apply various interfacing peripheral chips used with microprocessors. |
ESC-CSE-308G.4 | Analyze and compare the programme output carried out by different microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
COs | Computer Graphics (PEC-CSE-314G) |
PEC-CSE-314G.1 | Describe the fundamental concepts of computer graphics. |
PEC-CSE-314G.2 | Understand the elemental concepts, algorithms and techniques for generation, transformation & manipulation of 2-D, 3-D graphics, curves and surfaces. |
PEC-CSE-314G.3 | Apply the knowledge of hardware, software, various approaches and algorithms to solve problem in domain of computer graphics. |
PEC-CSE-314G.4 | Compare different clipping, hidden surface removal, filling algorithms,various methods of curves representation and various models for shading and illumination of surfaces. |
COs | Distributed System (PEC-CSE-316G) |
PEC-CSE-316G.1 | Describe the basic terms such as distributed systems, threads and system models , distibuted file system and security in distributed system etc. |
PEC-CSE-316G.2 | Understand the fundamentals such as distributed architecture, synchronization ,consistency and replication, fault tolerance etc. |
PEC-CSE-316G.3 | Apply the knowledge of distributed system to solve problems using various algorithms. |
PEC-CSE-316G.4 | Examine various shared memory techniques. |
COs | Project-I (PROJ-CSE-322G) |
PROJ-CSE-322G.1 | Identify the problems in relation to Computer Science and Engineering. |
PROJ-CSE-322G.2 | Understand the process to make a report and presentation. |
PROJ-CSE-322G.3 | Apply the engineering knowledge to solve the problems. |
PROJ-CSE-322G.4 | Design and develop the solution for complex engineering problems. |
COs | Compiler Design Lab (LC-CSE-324G) |
LC-CSE-324G.1 | Write the program for token separation with given file or expression. |
LC-CSE-324G.2 | Apply different parsers using different tools. |
LC-CSE-324G.3 | Analyze lexical using lex tools. |
LC-CSE-324G.4 | Recognize line, identifier and strings. |
LC-CSE-324G.5 | Simulate the lexical analyzer for validation of operators. |
COs | Artificial intelligence Lab using Python (LC-CSE-326G) |
LC-CSE-326G.1 | Describe the basic concepts of knowledge representation and python such as functions, operators, control statements etc. for the solution of computational problems. |
LC-CSE-326G.2 | Apply the various artificial intelligence algorithms using python for solving the real life problems. |
LC-CSE-326G.3 | Implement the knowledge of python programming for game playing and searching. |
LC-CSE-326G.4 | Evaluate the result of various AI algorithms applied to solve the different computational problems such as 8 queens problems,missionaries cannibals problem, monkey banana problem etc. |
COs | Advanced JAVA Lab (LC-CSE-328G) |
LC-CSE-328G.1 | Apply Struts frameworks, which gives the opportunity to reuse the codes for quick development. |
LC-CSE-328G.2 | Map Java classes and object associations to relational database tables with Hibernate mapping files. |
LC-CSE-328G.3 | Create dynamic web pages using Servlets, EJB and JSP. |
LC-CSE-328G.4 | Develop software in the Java programming language. |
COs | Constitution of India (MC-317G) |
MC-317G.1 | Recall the basic structure of constitution of India. |
MC-317G.2 | Discuss the federal system & distribution of various powers between union and the states. |
MC-317G.3 | Understand various organs of governance. |
MC-317G.4 | Classify various fundamental rights & duties given by constitution of India. |
Semester: 7 | |
COs | Neural Networks (PCC-CSE-401G) |
PCC-CSE-401G.1 | Define the basic terms used in “Neural Networks”. |
PCC-CSE-401G.2 | Understand the characteristics of learning rules , association algorithms, network models . |
PCC-CSE-401G.3 | Prepare the Architecture of Neural Network models using activation functions , Feed forward and backward networks , Perceptron network etc. |
PCC-CSE-401G.4 | Analyze the MCP Model Architecture, training and testing data, Associative Memory and Algorithms. |
COs | Software Project Management (PEC-CSE-403G) |
PEC-CSE-403G.1 | Define the basic terms of Software Project Management. |
PEC-CSE-403G.2 | Understand the fundamentals of Project Planning, Evaluation and Estimation, SDLC Models, Risk Management, RA and Monitoring, Contract and Software Qualities. |
PEC-CSE-403G.3 | Apply the concept of Project Management and Planning, various Software Process Models, Risk Management, Monitoring and software quality techniques to enhance the quality of the software. |
PEC-CSE-403G.4 | Classify Software Project and its Models, Risk, Contracts, Resource Allocation and Software Quality Measures. |
COs | Software Testing (PEC-CSE-413G) |
PEC-CSE-413G.1 | Describe the basic terms of software testing. |
PEC-CSE-413G.2 | Understand the fundamentals concepts of software testing. |
PEC-CSE-413G.3 | Apply the knowledge of software testing to manage software and defacts. |
PEC-CSE-413G.4 | Classify SDLC, software testing, bugs and testing tools |
COs | Disaster Management (OEC-CE-451-G) |
OEC-CE-451G .1 | Describe different National and International frameworks involved in the disaster management. |
OEC-CE-451G .2 | Understand Disaster and the concepts related to its mitigation and management. |
OEC-CE-451G.3 | Demonstrate the knowledge in planning of disaster management and emergency. |
OEC-CE-451G .4 | Outline the responsibilities of various authorities involved in the task of disaster mitigation and management. |
COs | Neural Networks using MAT Lab (LC-CSE-421G) |
LC-CSE-421G .1 | Understand various commands on MATLAB and its utilities. |
LC-CSE-421G .2 | Apply learning rules and methods on different models using MATLAB. |
LC-CSE-421G .3 | Analyze Learning algorithms through functional use. |
LC-CSE-421G .4 | Evaluate neural networks through various models. |
COs | Project-II (PROJ-CSE423G) |
PROJ-CSE-423G.1 | Identify the problems in various occupations in relation to Computer Science and Engineering. |
PROJ-CSE-423G.2 | Understand the process to make a report and presentation. |
PROJ-CSE-423G.3 | Apply the engineering knowledge to solve the problems. |
PROJ-CSE-423G.4 | Analyze ethical practices and tools used in different technologies for projects. |
PROJ-CSE-423G.5 | Evaluate the performance on parameters such as communication skills, technical knowledge. |
PROJ-CSE-423G.6 | Design and develop the solution for complex engineering problems. |
COs | Practical Training II (PT-CSE-425G) |
PT-CSE-425G.1 | Identify and study research article literature to review and summarize the content for discussion. |
PT-CSE-425G.2 | Understand problem solving skills and theoretical knowledge about the topic. |
PT-CSE-425G.3 | Apply the ability to speak, debate and write the report on the selected topic. |
PT-CSE-425G.4 | Illustrate the topic effectively by an oral presentation before the evaluation committee. |
Semester: 8 | |
COs | Machine Learning (PCC-CSE-402G) |
PCC-CSE-402G.1 | Describe basics concepts of learning techniques, learning problems and mathematics behind machine learning. |
PCC-CSE-402G.2 | Understand the characteristics of reinforcement learning, feature normalization, supervised learning, unsupervised learning. |
PCC-CSE-402G.3 | Apply various algorithms like reinforcement learning, supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for dimensionality reduction. |
PCC-CSE-402G.4 | Analyze results of various algorithms applied to solve different computational problems such as SVM, precision and recall, reinforcement learning ,PCA. |
COs | Big Data Analytics (PCC-CSE-404G) |
PCC-CSE-404G.1 | Define big data characteristics, its vaious framework with management and processing methods of data. |
PCC-CSE-404G.2 | Discuss six vs , data repositories and platform for for big data with their related issues along with procesing methods and tools used . |
PCC-CSE-404G.3 | Illustrate modern data ecosystem with scalability and security issues. |
PCC-CSE-404G.4 | Analyze various file formats , models and query processing methods in big data. |
COs | Conventional and Renewable Energy Resources (OEC-EE-08G) |
OEC-EE-08G.1 | Understand Conventional and Non conventional sources of energy. |
OEC-EE-08G.2 | Understand Power generation Planning. |
OEC-EE-08G.3 | Understand operation and working of power plants, energy conservation & management. |
OEC-EE-08G.4 | Apply tariff methods and calculate cost of generation and depreciation by different factors. |
COs | Big Data Analytics Lab (LC-CSE-410G) |
LC-CSE-410G.1 | Understand different file formats. |
LC-CSE-410G.2 | Implement solutions for big data problems. |
LC-CSE-410G.3 | Analyse the results of big data algorithms. |
LC-CSE-410G.4 | Identify the relationship between Big data and IOT. |
COs | Machine Learning with Python Lab (LC-CSE-412G) |
LC-CSE-412G.1 | Understand the mathematical and statistical prospective of machine learning algorithms through python. |
LC-CSE-412G.2 | Apply various reinforcement algorithms to solve real time complex problems. |
LC-CSE-412G.3 | Evaluate the machine learning models pre-processed through features engineering algorithms by pyhton. |
LC-CSE-412G.4 | Design the unsupervised models through python in-built functions. |
COs | Project-III (PROJ-CSE-422G) |
PROJ-CSE-422G.1 | Identify the complex engineering problems for engineering projects. |
PROJ-CSE-422G.2 | Understanding the systematic process & sound technical knowledge about the project. |
PROJ-CSE-422G.3 | Demonstrate different methodologies for making projects and documentation/report writing. |
PROJ-CSE-422G.4 | Examine the key stages to finalise the project. |
PROJ-CSE-422G.5 | Select the suitable method which leads to appropriate results. |
PROJ-CSE-422G.6 | Design engineering solutions to various problems used for societal benefits. |
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